Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Try again

So, I've had a blog before. Wasn't so much of a success. Let's try again. This time, I'm not going to set limits or high expectations for myself. In fact, I think I'll even set LOW expectations, so as not to be upset when I don't update for a month...

My last day at my current job is tomorrow. I start my new job the day after. My mind has been so wrapped around ending the current one, that I haven't even BEGUN to think about what I need to do for the new. Not that I need to do much, but I haven't even planned my outfit for my first day! Haha!

The above photo is one of our tomato plants. Joe planted a ton of them this year, and I can't WAIT to enjoy them. A little cottage cheese, tomato...ahhh, delightful.

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